Warning: This post is about to make you feel very old.
Think for a moment where you watched the opening ceremony of the Sydney Olympics.
Well, one of the busses from those games is now on display at the Sydney Bus Museum.
But wait, why is a bus from the Sydney Olympics doing in a transport museum?
Well, because the 2000 Olympics were held almost a quarter of a century ago.
I did warn you this post would make you feel old.
#bus #busses #transport #transit #TransitHistory #Olympics #Sydney @Sydney@aussie.zone
@ajsadauskas @sydney there used to be one of the big metal logos, with full olympic colours, sitting down this little side street in st peters https://www.google.com/maps/@-33.9179547,151.1710436,3a,75y,140.36h,95.53t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s90ubhPoAQ4RBHkCYMzBalQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
I feel like I see one on the regular in the area somewhere but I can’t remember where. I’m sure it’ll come to me. It’s like someone put it up on the side of an office. Maybe near Bunnings Alexandia or Tempe Vinnies. My memory is failing.
I didn’t know the bus museum had left Tempe.
@maniacalmanicmania @ajsadauskas@pixelfed.social It’s currently in Leichhardt North, at the back of the Transit Systems bus depot, and a short walk from the light rail.
Of course, the best way to get there is on one of the historic busses that departs from QVB.
I’ll aim to post some more interesting photos from there over the coming days.