Reminds me of a scientist discussing an economics paper that said warming to +4°C would only cost 1% of GDP, so we should stop with all the warming alarmism.
The scientist remarked that if you entered -4°C in that calculation used in the paper you would also get 1% of GDP, but in reality -4°C would cover most of the major cities with a mile of ICE.
Reminds me of a scientist discussing an economics paper that said warming to +4°C would only cost 1% of GDP, so we should stop with all the warming alarmism.
The scientist remarked that if you entered -4°C in that calculation used in the paper you would also get 1% of GDP, but in reality -4°C would cover most of the major cities with a mile of ICE.
Because think of the the FREE ICE! The ice economy would boom! Think of all the new ice jobs!
“Selling ice to Eskimos,” as the expression goes.