• norimee@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I love, that the meme used the actual picture of a German fairytale.

    Its called “The Dreadful Story Of Pauline And The Matches” - “Die gar traurige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug”

    … But Pauline would not take advice, She lit a match, it was so nice! It crackled so, it burned so clear,– Exactly like the picture here. She jumped for joy and ran about, And was too pleased to put it out. …

    Now see! oh, see! a dreadful thing! The fire has caught her apron string: Her apron burns, her arms, her hair; She burns all over, everywhere. …

    Pauline was burnt with all her clothes, And arms and hands, and eyes and nose; Till she had nothing more to lose Except her little scarlet shoes; And nothing else but these was found Among her ashes on the ground. And when the good cats sat beside The smoking ashes, how they cried, “Me-ow, me-o! Me-ow, me-oo! What will Mamma and Nursey do?” Their tears ran down their cheeks so fast They made a little pond at last.