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I’m Schedule A, have a few letters of recommendation, have my resume, and I’m getting my Bachelor’s degree in Communications in one month. I’m Latino or Latina (?) so I guess there’s some DEI service I can utilize.

…I can’t fucking wait. I need a job. I need income. I need a fucking car or transportation. I need to move from this place.

It’s Joever, folks… for Makan, ig? Idk, I had to squeeze in the current lingo there. But as the Joe(ker) himself said, the four-letter word on everyone’s minds is “Jobs! J-O-B-S!” (Yeah, I had to Segway to an old Biden gaffe there, you see).

Anyway, I’m not anti-work, like what they have on that subreddit… and I’ve never exactly been “neutral” on work either.

I’m “pro-work,” if anything. I want a career. I want a job or role I can take pride in. I’m disabled, yes. I’m Autistic, among other things. But gosh darnit to frick (I know, I know, naughty and vulgar language), I need a job. Maybe a union job with LiUNA or whatever. But I need a job.

But for the life of me, I suck at job-hunting.

I’m not sure what details to give to you all, but I need pointers on how to land a job, maybe you can all tell me how you were able to do it (…assuming you did, mind you)?

I just need advice…

    3 months ago

    Everyone is hired to solve a problem that can’t be automated.

    When I’ve been involved in interviews, rarely, but sometimes, my only two questions are,

    1. Can you do the job?

    2. Can we get along?

    That’s it. If you can answer both questions you get the job (unless someone got there first, or beat you on unfair grounds like prettiness or race or something). The first can be answered quickly by any interviewer who understands the work. Shit engineers famously display their juvenile egotism by trying to impress each other with making the process of answering this question intricate and involved, with puzzles and shit. These people are morons.

    The second is answered by just getting the interviewee to talk, about anything at all, just to get the vibe. This is the more important question. Nobody wants to work with an asshole, except other assholes. Really good teams defend their vibe from assholes. Depending on the job question 2 might not be relevant at all. If someone just needs anyone to man a station then they don’t care because question1 is the only important question.

    As the job becomes more skilled and teamwork based, question 2 will be the more important thing. You wouldn’t be in the room if you didn’t already

    “Tell me about yourself?”, “What was the last book you read?” …interviews are invasive and demeaning. I fucking hate either side of the desk. But that’s just how it be.

    Again, “Everyone is hired to solve a problem that can’t be automated.” Identify the principal person bothered by this problem and speak your piece to them, and their headaches, directly or indirectly. And how you’re going to make everything aaalll right. With no fuss or drama and they can forget about you and get on with their own shit.