One of the boys learnt how to say ‘more’. Not just the word but the meaning as well. We’ve also been teaching the boys a bit of sign language because apparently kids can pick up on it quicker and it’s good to know anyway.
In reality, signing ‘more’ allows him to ask for more food whilst his mouth is already full
One of the boys learnt how to say ‘more’. Not just the word but the meaning as well. We’ve also been teaching the boys a bit of sign language because apparently kids can pick up on it quicker and it’s good to know anyway.
In reality, signing ‘more’ allows him to ask for more food whilst his mouth is already full
is “more” open palm over mouth? I think daycare taught my kid something, but they neglected to tell us what they were teaching.
It’s hand out from the chest, palm inward. Sort of like you’re simulating a heart palpation
Here you go…'more'&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-au&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:304b9f1d,vid:_O9l_C_bCZ0,st:0
There’s also an Auslan app you can get with heaps of key word signs (‘Auslan tutor: key signs app’)
‘More’ was actually my first word 🤣
“No” was my first word. “You want ice cream?” “No”
When I meant yes haha
This boy says no a lot too but seems to actually mean it