Asheville NC and Western NC has been destroyed by hurricane Helene and flooding. People are saying the same boring tired things there and sharing the same misinformation.

This is just ordinary weather which happens all the time.

The only thing we can do is pray.

Climate change isn’t real

This is dangerous to say things like this because it makes people believe that there’s no climate change, and that is ordinary and expected when that’s not even remotely true. It’s leading people to ignorantly become complacent, not contact their government, and when disasters like hurricanes happen, they don’t evacuate because they don’t believe it’ll be serious.

I started commenting on everything telling people that climate change is causing these issues and got the most unhinged glue-sniffer responses ever like

‘this has always been like this’ or ‘liberal snowflake tears’

and the worst ones are always religious.

‘we can’t do anything to save our planet, you need to pray. Send your prayers’

God didn’t create this issue? We are ruining our planet!

Example 1. We now have to surround hospital in Tampa Florida with a literal fucking wall just for ordinary storms

@Kevin R. Sullivan:Hurricanes have nothing to do with climate change

Deranged comments like this are very dangerous and spread false misinformation

  • Brownian
    4 hours ago

    You are also sharing disinformation as well. You say climate change, but you do not define it.

    Many people are aware of El Nino / La Nina and that they cycle roughly 7 years. What most people don’t know, is that there are cycles that occur every 25 years, and more that are even longer than that.

    Now consider when those cycles happen to coincide, there is an increased change until those cycles move back out of sync.

    Yes there is climate change, but a large majority of it is out of yours or anyone else’s control.

      3 hours ago

      El Niño / La Niña are terms that the uneducated just learned about but pretend have always been common knowledge only because it’s something to desperately grasp into to “explain away” climate change.

      It’s no different from the logic behind the same people who say “Climate change can’t be real, it was cold out today!”