Recently there was a post where the OP pitched an idea for a service related to this community. I don’t want to go into details but the post’s text has shown that maybe there’s some misunderstanding around the technology, and a considerable amount of us also thought that it’s not a good idea.
The post was removed (noticed because I couldn’t reply to someone) probably because the OP felt shame for their “failed” idea, but I think we shouldn’t delete posts for reasons like this.

The post created an interesting discussion around the idea with useful info. It’s useful to have things like these for future reference, for similar discussions in the future.
This is an anonymous forum, so there’s no shame in recommending things, when you do that politely like it was done in that case.

  • Draconic
    2 hours ago

    That’s mainly just the way the backend and UI handles the post, the thread and replies are still there, admins and mods can still see it, it just errors for users. We could potentially modify the Lemmy software (or it could be changed in an update) to allow viewing the deleted thread with the post saying *Deleted by User* just like it does with comments.