Someone gave me a Hisense C11 Chromebook and I’m wondering if there’s absolutely anything I can do with it. It seems like a piece of junk and the Linux stuff I’ve seen for Chromebooks specify that they don’t work with the ARM processor. Is there any distro that would work on it? Any other ideas about how to repurpose it?

Note: I don’t have direct access to an Ethernet cable/router for setup. Also don’t have the most technical knowhow.

    24 hours ago

    It’s fucking crazy how much work goes into shitting out thousands and thousands of slightly different models of android phone and tablet and chromebook. Slap together a board design based on buying two trays of some SOC. Open up the Android source, slap some NDA drivers in, build an image, burn it into a production run. Don’t bother saving your changes, these devices will never get an update. Two weeks later, change out the whole design for a different chip, repeat.