• Count042@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    Israel murdered more children in 30 days than the supposedly genocidal Russian army has in Ukraine,a much larger population base, in 560 days.

    Equating Israel with Judaism is antisemitic.

      • Count042@lemmy.ml
        10 months ago

        That isn’t whataboutism, you fucking imbecilic moron.

        I know that your water brained trolling is about trying to appear respectable as you justify murder, but the liquid shit vomiting from your mouth is too fragrant to cover up with definitional arguments.

        You just don’t have a response.

      • meowMix2525@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        Yes, Israel is a country founded by jews, for jews. That doesn’t mean they get to be an ethnostate.

        That implies violence against all non-jews that currently live there. That violence has already been demonstrated against the non-jews that were already there, the Palestinians, who have been pushed to the fringes of society and into the open-air prison that is the gaza strip. The flames of antisemitism simply cannot be fought with more flames of islamophobia. All people deserve the same rights and protections regardless of race or religion. That should be what Israel stands for, not “ethnic cleansing but it’s okay this time because the historically persecuted people deserve to have their turn at creating an ethnostate”.

        Like, we understand why the Nazis were bad beyond the fact that Jewish people were their main target, do we not? Because that’s how guys like Trump get into power with extreme anti-migrant rhetoric and an anti-democratic party behind them. Fascists can’t sell their ideology on anti-semitism anymore; it backfires, in the same way Lee Atwater pointed out it does for the N word; so they sell it on xenophobia or islamophobia or whichever public enemy (out-group) they can create, and then further shrink their in-group when they gain enough power and/or disenfranchise enough people to do so without much recourse.

        Fascism won’t always be as obvious taking up the old flags of Nazis past; and as such it is incredibly harmful to reduce them to any single hallmark, such as the particular vendetta against Judaism that took place in WW2 (not to mention that those particular Nazis prefer there to be a Jewish ethnostate so they have somewhere to expel jews in pursuit of their own ethostates); it will take influence from and adapt to the blind spots of the culture where it spawns from.