Or ways to remove that accumulation fast?

Non-vacuum cleaner tips would be more actionable for me currently, but please do share your ways.

  • LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I will encourage ya to try making the effort wherever and whenever you can. Even just five minutes today can save half an hour weeks down the line.

    I’ve a friend from high school whose parents are disabled and struggle with keeping up with the routine chores, and she herself suffers from bad depression and executive dysfunction.

    Their house is in such a state now that we’d need to get our entire friend group up there to spend multiple days across multiple weeks to get it cleaned, organized, and fixed up. Flies everywhere, food rotting in the fridges, pet hair and dust everywhere, the works. It’ll be doable, but it’s gonna be a whole thing we gotta do.

    Hope I’m not shaming ya here, I promise that ain’t my intent here - just hoping that our situation can inspire somebody else to prevent themselves ending up in the same spot.