Nostradamus was famous for making predictions vague enough that they were guaranteed to come true, FYI.
As for the “predictions”: Haiti facing a crisis is basically the history of Haiti, drones were already the future of warfare in 2012, China was already on the way to being the biggest producer of rare earth metals (along with a lot of things given all the outsourcing to China, plus there’s the size, population, and geology), “AI” targetting systems (read: computer assisted targeting) was already in development, and I’m not sure what the terrorist thing is but terrorists being called freedom fighters happen all the time.
Nostradamus was famous for making predictions vague enough that they were guaranteed to come true, FYI.
As for the “predictions”: Haiti facing a crisis is basically the history of Haiti, drones were already the future of warfare in 2012, China was already on the way to being the biggest producer of rare earth metals (along with a lot of things given all the outsourcing to China, plus there’s the size, population, and geology), “AI” targetting systems (read: computer assisted targeting) was already in development, and I’m not sure what the terrorist thing is but terrorists being called freedom fighters happen all the time.