ID: Gladstoned As Heathen Jew Durin… (?) @WGladstone posted: “I’ve decided to appease centrists. Instead of punching nazis, we’ll murder them by drone with no due process.”
ID: Gladstoned As Heathen Jew Durin… (?) @WGladstone posted: “I’ve decided to appease centrists. Instead of punching nazis, we’ll murder them by drone with no due process.”
If you decide to call Nazis centrists, or vice-versa, you’re just alienating people. I’m constantly amazed at how far people have managed to shove their heads up their own asses on this site.
Now if only you fuckers could take a hint and actually fuck off, instead of pipping up in every post that actually opposes nazis to whine about how mean leftists are and to defend nazi feelings which you consistently and unflinchingly prioritise over the lives of the marginalised people they’re currently rounding up.
Yeah, you nazi supporters really are astoundingly oblivious…
This is why we’re losing. If your political movement can’t have allies who aren’t strictly members, then you’ll lose. If you push people away who may disagree but are sympathetic, you’ll lose.
This is why the fascists are winning. They are welcoming everyone who they can stomach until the second they don’t need to. This is why tankies always get us in the end; because they can pretend for as long as they need to use us, and then discard us without qualm.
Left-libertarians in general and Anarchists in particular need to learn to not let the perfect become the enemy of the good. Because RN everyone else is letting the imperfect become the ally of evil.
We’re losing because you lot keep capitulating.
What are centrists gonna do about it? They’re already appeasing nazis as hard as they can.