Oxygen Not Included is on sale this weekend. If (like me) you happen to have wanted to play it for a long time, but were worried you lack the patience/stamina and give up after a couple of hours, the price is now at a level where buyer’s regret is rather unlikely.
How close is this game to Don’t Starve? I tried getting into it with a friend of mine but couldn’t and dropped it after a couple of runs.
In my opinion it is very similar in these aspects:
Losing is fun.
Overcoming a challenge is fun.
for the first bullet at least you can switch between no sweat and standard
Ah thanks.
One of the more accessable Dwaft Fortress spins
oni is closer to lemmings or the incredible machine, imo
i like dont starve but it’s a much different experience
I love ONI and Don’t Starve is hard for me to get into. ONI is a mechanical/technical base/management simulator. I’m a huge Factorio player and ONI scratches a pretty similar itch
I don’t know Don’t Starve and have only played ONI for a short while, so the other answers are probably more helpful that mine, but at its core the game is about managing (and obtaining) limited resources. You start out inside an asteroid with a limited amount of oxygen and food and need to build a sustainable environment from there.
Silly fun also seems to be a big part of the game - one of the character stats (they’re called duplicants in the game) is the reaction to stress, and apparently one of mine is an ‘ugly crier’ and another one a ‘binge eater’. Two appear to have a crush on each other and spend the day avoiding work and exchanging heart symbols whenever I’m not watching.
As for the game itself - yes, I find it very overwhelming. There are short tutorials on how to navigate the map etc. and a lot of stats, but not an awful lot of info on strategy or what exactly is expected of you. So far it’s still fun though.