I’m sure this has been asked thousands of times, but how do I view the map extracts offline? (.osm and .pbf) Is there a (native) app I can use? Can’t find any clear information.
I’m sure this has been asked thousands of times, but how do I view the map extracts offline? (.osm and .pbf) Is there a (native) app I can use? Can’t find any clear information.
I asked ChatGPT and there seems to be two options to view OSM extracts:
QGIS can open .osm and .pbf
JOSM can open .osm
I did not verify or test this by myself. Maybe some people have more experience?
@redd @Irelephant And I guess the iD editor in osm.org can also open .OSM files but never tried.
An end user cannot open provided XML files with it