Even better if you can provide your own understanding of its meaning.
Mine would be :
“Nothing kills a man as much as being forced to represent a country” (and err considering the context, I must stress it has nothing to do with the current US shitshow), by a WW1 soldier, illustrator and writer named Jacques Vaché.
For me it just means being forced into representing a group (national, of course, but maybe also social, racial, sexual, professional, any kind of group) or defining one’s identity only by reference to a group is to be avoided at all costs.
Note : Its not the same, imho, as engaging in a collective struggle or defense against a common oppression.
How about you?
Something my grandpa said, sometime around 2006-2007 I think.
“The next world war, will be between the rich and and the poor, and the rich will win before the poor knows there’s a war.”
This is unfortunate, but at the rate we are currently going this might come into fruition. 😢
I believe the first part is already occuring, it’s the last half that I hope is wrong.
i mean that’s been every war to date except some revolutions 😂
“Hurt people hurt people”
Ever since I heard this, I became relatively more compassionate towards people, even if they piss me off.
“If they knew better, they’d do better.”
This makes a song I’ve been listening to make more sense. “Gary” by Dave Hause. I was interpreting the line as “Hurt People. Hurt people…” Instead of “Hurt people hurt people”. Thanks!
It is very true, and how trauma is passed on from generation to generation. If you can skip a generation or escape the trauma you are essentially the stopping point of that trauma.
Yes. It’s a doozy but true.
But who hurt elon?
Having untold wealth is actually not that good for you in a lot of cases. Generally, getting everything you want all the time is not good for your brain.
His father is a real piece of shit. Like evej when compared to Elon. But also he grew up in a society defined by a particular level of violence. Even though he was the privileged group there the violence was still present and there was violence to all, including the violence to teach the white children to be the oppressors.
I mean, he’s autistic in addition to being a bad person, so probably a large collection of people throughout his life who may or may not have even comprehended his side of the interaction. Comorbidity of autism with severe mental health problems is stupid high.
That being said, the cycle would have died out long ago if some people weren’t dicks for no reason as well.
The opposite of love is not hate, but apathy.
Truly hating something takes passion, energy and time out of your day. It also taught me that for masters of personal interest, if you truly need to end a relationship with someone, you simply stop responding. It’s far more effective than loudly proclaiming what you feel they do wrong. That will take far more away from you than if you cut ties.
the opposite of 2 is not 0
“True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut
“Feelings are like children, you can’t let them drive, but you can’t put them in the trunk.”
But I feel that one has a ¨spiritual parent¨:
“Educate a child so you don’t have to reprimand an adult.”
and a ¨spiritual sibling¨:
“If your only tool is a Hammer then every problem looks like a Nail.”
This one’s my favourite
“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.” -A clump of talking stars in Futurama I look at it like being a good custodian or someone who takes pride in the smallest details of their work, regardless of whether or not you receive recognition for them. Most people don’t notice the effort being put in when things are running smoothly. The work of the people behind the scenes is directly responsible for successes in the spotlight.
That’s a loose quote from the Tao te ching.
Interesting. Something new to look up!
This is what IT feels like. Everything is working? What do we pay those guys for?
Everything is not working? What do we pay those guys for?
“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” - Winnie-the-Pooh
I didn’t read Winnie-the-Pooh till I was an adult and when I read this it felt like reading a universal truth everyone should know. It nearly brought me to tears.
It sounds like you might like “The Tao of Pooh”.
“It’ll never be the same”
In context, meaning that things can never go back to the way they were… Ever.For me it’s like a grounding statement. Whenever I start thinking about some past time and just want things to go back to how they were, I remember this. My mind shifts to the future and I forget that nostalgic feeling because I remember that it can never be.
Oh, yeah. There’s another one like this for me, a very short poem I read when I was a teenager :
“Ah, what are they dreaming…? Those who say, say, say… Yesterday I was there, today I was here”
The less you know about your history, the easier it is to imagine you’d always be on the right side of it.
That’ll do Donkey… That’ll do.
Edit. I mean it. That calming way shrek says it. The idea that enough has been done, and that everything is OK. That I’m ok. It’s a lovely, and powerful moment in the film that translates to so many day to day situations.
Have you seen Babe? That’s where that quote is from originally
I say “That’ll do pig” almost daily. It’s basically a tic for me at this point.
I have yes. And I’d forgotten. Thank you. Adds an extra layer.
I love that movie. Super disappointed that the pig was essentially a baby. They didn’t have a adult pig in that movie to showcase how big they get.
I wanted a pig as a pet but the smallest pigs are 150 lbs!
That’s so lovely!
The woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those who sang best
Comparison is the thief of joy. I think a lot of people could do with that one.
“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt” - Often wrongly attributed to Mark Twain or Abraham Lincoln but the earliest record is Maurice Switzer
Mine is similar, but said by Plato. ”Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something”
"They say, ‘Evil prevails when good men fail to act.’ What they ought to say is, ‘Evil prevails.’
Bleak quote from Lord of War that has stuck with me. Reminds me of Sophie Scholl.
I am reminded of: “The law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone; and it cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone.”
The lesser known conclusion to Wilhoits Law.
"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit:
There must be in-groups whom the law protectes but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."
You are under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago. - Alan Watts