Some dude I’ve known for years just showed his true colours in the most subhuman way possible and I cannot get past it.
I mean we were never super insanely close but Jesus Christ. I never would’ve expected something so awful from him. It’s just one of those classic examples of like, do NOT give people the benefit of the doubt or make excuses for any of their shitty actions. Despite their extremely deceiving, manipulative, cutesy and sweet “personality”. Oh maybe he’s just a dum dum teehee. No he’s a fucking ginormous piece of shit asshole.
Also I’m like thinking back at the one dude I thought was genuinely a good guy and realizing he was a POS too. And I literally just believed what he wanted me to believe. Cause I wanted it to be true.
I don’t know where to go from here really. I guess I just have to be alone all the time. Like, I don’t think people like me and I don’t think it’s worth the effort to try to get them to. Especially not at this point.
Like even 5 years ago when I was genuinely pretty I got treated like literal garbage by the world. And no it’s not a few bad experiences or being around the wrong people or some bs. I just don’t fucking care anymore. Like if I literally was never good enough for anyone BACK THEN, I don’t fucking care. Now I’ll never be.
Fuck people.
Yeah, I feel you.
Never trust anyone until they’ve proven their worth, and even then keep an eyeball on them.
That being said, there are people out there worth trusting, and more that can be trusted in limited ways. Just depends on how much effort you want to put into social interactions