Specifically, do you worry that Microsoft is going to eventually do the Microsoft thing and horribly fuck it up for everyone? I’ve really grown to appreciate the language itself, but I’m wary of it getting too ingrained at work only to have the rug pulled out from under us when it’s become hard to back out.
Edit: not really “pulling the rug”, but, you know, doing the Microsoft classic.
It sounds like to me that you’ve taken your knowledge of your commonly used languages for granted, and assumed a new language would be just as easy. But if you watch a developer who is dipping their toe into that ecosystem for the first time you’ll find them making mistakes and running into footguns you didn’t know were possible.
Regardless of the language, not having a proper guide leaves devs susceptible to the incorrect blogospam that’s out there, where engagement is rewarded over correctness.
Ignore all of the blogospam.
The two things you need to know:
Here’s my shortened version of number 2.
The beginning:
The false start:
The resumption:
syntax sugaring, to make asynchronous programming easier...
(rest/spread operator) syntax sugaring, to make destructuring and variadic functions easier??
Nullish coalescing operator syntax sugaring??=
Logical assignment syntax sugaringThe current state of things
Tooling wise
For your simple fibonacci example:
and see result in browser’s console.Deno.serve()
and see result in network requests/responsesconsole.log()
and see result in terminal