Years ago someone on a certain dedicated ereader fourm shared a fixed updated stardict version of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. This is of one of the rare holy grails of digital dictionary files, as you cant find a properly working version of this dict anywhere on the usual sites just one scuffed conversion version with broken formatting.
Unfortunately it was only available a very short time before a mod removed the links on the fourm for copyright infringement policy.
So now they are gone off the public internet for good AFAIK. Every now and then I see people in the fourms asking for links to these specific files.
I was fortunate enough to save everything the generous user shared while still available and still have them locally. I would like to make these files available and easily findable to anyone who wants them. Can you please give a newbie some guidance on how to best do this?
Edit: Heres the links to the files! Thanks to all the community members who gave feedback you are all awesome!!
Please share the dictionary when available.
I’d be interested in snagging a copy from your smokey, I’m currently putting together system for collective sharing and archiving that im hoping to release in july.
This is the answer. It’s freely accessible, and duplicated across servers all over the world so it’s difficult for copyright claims to take down.
This is not a book, but files to use in some kind of dictionary-app. AA is not a place for these kind of files, I’m pretty sure they won’t allow them over there.
Please put them on torrents
Uploading to the Internet Archive automatically creates torrents, right?
Really? First I’ve heard of it
I’m not sure if this is the case for every upload though
This was an excellent suggestion and was what I decided on doing. The auto torrent is a REALLY nice feature. I appreciate you taking the time to comment, thanks! usually when I’m looking for a expired file I search for the file name, and if it’s on the internet archive it usually pops up on the first page of google.
Great suggestion, thank you.
Torrents and are the best ways I think. A third option would be to also upload to Z-Library.
All 3 for maximum redundancy. If you get a torrent going and don’t want to make a z-lib account, I can upload it there for you. Either way, I’d love to help you seed and spread all these datas. I uploaded everything to the Internet Archive which also created a torrent file :) I greatly appreciate all the advice and interest in helping host/share these!
Thanks for uploading these, very handy!
Thanks for sharing! I’ll try it out myself on KOReader :) Feel free to post on ! as well
Sick! Thanks for coming back around with the links. I was going to add to z-lib, but evidently they don’t hoard DICT files, oh well.
- Create a torrent
Post the link to the community so we can mirror on other networks. Is it a specialist dictionary, or a regular dictionary whose formatting will change the way I look at life?
Thank you for the links! So im allowed to just post a magnet to them if i get the torrent up? Its my first time posting to the community not sure how detailed I am allowed to be, originally was gonna link to the fourm post for context. They are stardict versions of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (SOED).
You might just be convinced it will change your life by the way literature nerds on the internet talk about it lol. I think its a good balance between shorter more to the point descriptions while still containing lots of information. Maybe not life changing but a high quality dictionary that isnt a slog to read is always nice to have especially on ereader.
You can find good stardicts of just about every dictionary on the internet if you look hard enough except the SOED which is why it was a big deal to get a properly formatted not scuffed version of the dictionary in both mono and color.
Pls share link or file (I can dm you my telegram link) when it will be available
If you end up posting it, let me know please!
What is this magical dictionary? I’m almost afraid to ask but, won’t just about any dictionary do just fine?
You can find good stardicts of just about every dictionary on the internet if you look hard enough
I’m just amazed by this. Can you point me to some of the more common places where one could start? I could really use some new dictionaries 😁
@SmokeyDope thank you!