I found out I had cancer for a long time and didn’t know it, it’s like a huge haze in my mind is being lifted that I had no idea I had the treatments suck but things are clearing up now
I found out I had cancer for a long time and didn’t know it, it’s like a huge haze in my mind is being lifted that I had no idea I had the treatments suck but things are clearing up now
I work in hospice, and can’t describe the anger and sadness I have at moments. I say moments because if I let it fester I’d be of no help.
Like the young woman that recently passed - a few years ago she was diagnosed with extremely high blood pressure in her 30s, so had to go on medication. Shortly after she lost her job and couldn’t afford it, so quit talking her meds. Next thing you know she had a stroke. A couple years later she has complications leading to another event, and now she’s dead.
Because lifesaving medicine and healthcare is too expensive, parents watched their child die.
One of the things that stopped me from committing suicide at my lowest point a few years ago, was my mom asking me to break the tradition in our family of mothers burying their sons.
This is unrelated, but it reminded me and it’s never a bad time to remind people that they matter to someone I suppose
I hate knowing that there are a lot of stories like this one :( this country does not care for its people like it could.