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The EU is set to impose minimal fines on Apple and Facebook owner Meta next week under its Digital Markets Act, as Brussels seeks to avoid escalating tensions with US President Donald Trump.
According to people familiar with the decisions, the iPhone-maker is expected to be fined and ordered to revise its App Store rules, following an investigation into whether they prevent app developers from sending consumers to offers outside its platform.
Regulators will also close another investigation into Apple, which was focused on the company’s design of its web browser choice screen without any further sanctions.
Meta will also be fined and be ordered to change its “pay or consent” model which forces users to either consent to data tracking or pay a subscription fee for an ad-free experience of its products.
Pussies are nice and beautiful.
They are cowards.
Pathetic, the fucking cowards.
fines are like parking tickets to these companies and the amount won’t stop them from parking illegally
Yeah and no. Google has been fined for 8b in europe. They make about 100b in a year in eu market.
So they have lost about one months profits in few years.
Its not going to criple them, but its not nothing. And the purpose is not to criple their operation, but hurt it enough so its wiser to make changes rather than keep bleeding money.
Ah yes, the appeasement strategy. Works every time, for whoever is on the receiving end of it of course. One would think Europeans would know better, but i guess life teaches you the same lesson until you’re ready to learn.
limit?? WTF??? they were already basically immeasurable!!
The irony being Trump et al being set against Europe due to its predilection for talk over action, and action when it comes being so weak as to have no effect.
What? Why would Trump give a shit?
They paid tribute.
What about Trump leads you to believe he has any loyalty?