If someone knows how to disable this fuckery, please tell me or i have to install adobe acrobat, it makes me crazy as it floats on all the open PDFs, covering text/content
If someone knows how to disable this fuckery, please tell me or i have to install adobe acrobat, it makes me crazy as it floats on all the open PDFs, covering text/content
No ADS, FOSS, and Free (As in beer and speech!)
This. Also, If you need to manipulate PDFs, then try:
Nice that Stirling PDF!
Tomorrow I’ll try to configure it in a docker container
Do you live in a utopia where you get as much beer as you want without having to pay for it, or do you live in a dystopia where you have to pay to be able to speak your mind and only in limited quantities?
https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/ For business and windows