For those of us, unfortunately, in the imperial core, what steps should we take to stop a US war with China over Taiwan? I’ve honestly been pretty scared since the war in Ukraine started knowing that China is next. We must avoid this at all costs to save the thousands of Chinese lives that will be sacrificed by the west in their bid to reestablish a unipolar world.

While I’m not discounting the achievements of the anti-war movement in support of Vietnam, the war still waged on for years. The same with Iraq. What should be done differently?

    1 year ago

    Vietnam: the majority of the people of Vietnam didn’t want the US there, the US was interfering in a civil war it shouldn’t be meddling in.

    Iraq: same thing, the US wasn’t wanted and didn’t have a reason to meddle.

    Taiwan: the people of Taiwan don’t want China there and China shouldn’t invade. No one should invade.

    People have a right to self determination. If China doesn’t control Taiwan and the people of Taiwan want to keep the same government they have, then they should be allowed to. China invading Taiwan would be an unjustified imperialist act. Taiwan has a right to call upon its allies and friends for help if invaded and the alliances and friendships should be honored by those allies.

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    You must organize with like-minded people, which is to say, anti-imperialists, to undermine the war machine. You will not find these people among the major political parties, both of which are imperialist.

    Once you are with a group of people, you can strategize around what to do more specifically. Holding rallies, building your organization, creating or joining a like-minded coalition, direct actions, etc.

    You can’t do anything meaningful alone.