So I selfhost a number of servers in various locations and utilize a DigitalOcean VPS as a hub/gateway to transmit data between these nodes.

I have a consistent issue when running large backups or transfers in which DigitalOcean flags my server for a DDOS attack and sends traffic to a black hole for 3-4 hours.

Customer support has been the absolute worst and does fuck all to help remedy the situation in any way. These events have been consistent over the past 8 months.

Does anybody have recommendations for a solid VPS provider?

Price isn’t too much of a factor. I was running a $8/month server but I don’t mind something more expensive if the company has a good reputation for reliability and privacy.

As mentioned, I primarily use a VPS as a gateway/hub for file transfer services. I’m also hoping to spin up another VPS for static websites.

    10 months ago

    I’d give Hetzner a try. The VPS they offer come with 20TB of bandwidth and they only count outgoing traffic(bottom of this page is the source -> One thing to note with Hetzner VPS is the port speed is not guaranteed to be 1G only on their dedicated servers is 1G guaranteed. In my experience with their VPS I always got over 500M so is wasn’t an issue. I’ve since moved to a dedicated server in Finland for the horse power and the flexibility of running my own VM platform(Proxmox)

    There’s also Netcup but I’ve never used them so can’t speak to quality but I’ve heard good things about them.

    Edit: totally forgot to mention BuyVM. I have one of their 1GB VPS in Luxembourg. Speed is good to Finland but not so great to Canada but that’s not their fault. More to do with latency which is to be expected given the distance.