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Taggart (@mttaggart) writes:

Japan determines copyright doesn’t apply to LLM/ML training data.

On a global scale, Japan’s move adds a twist to the regulation debate. Current discussions have focused on a “rogue nation” scenario where a less developed country might disregard a global framework to gain an advantage. But with Japan, we see a different dynamic. The world’s third-largest economy is saying it won’t hinder AI research and development. Plus, it’s prepared to leverage this new technology to compete directly with the West.

I am going to live in the sea.

    9 months ago

    Midtown Madness 1/2/3 all have the arrows from what I’ve seen. At least 3 has a part where you pick up people in a taxi.

    I am unsure what would happen if Midtown Madness did it first but didn’t patent it, game mechanic patents are not common (I hope…). Perhaps they knew they could win but didn’t want to lose money fighting the Microsoft of that time? I can find no mention of MM regarding the Sega v. Fox lawsuit where Fox privately settled over Simpson’s Road Rage in 2003.