The call, an apparent imitation or digital manipulation of the president’s voice, says, “Voting this Tuesday only enables the Republicans in their quest to elect Donald Trump again.”

    9 months ago

    The original point I made

    The only point you’ve made is that you’re a bigot who is not interested in honest discussion. And you keep making it by repeating the same bullshit.

    Grow a thicker skin for fucks sake you absolute child.

    Says the guy whining about mods deleting his content.

    I’ll hand it to you – you’ve put on a masterclass-worthy performance of a bigot having a breakdown because nobody takes him seriously. You’ve blamed me, you’ve blamed the mods, and you’ve blamed lemmy. The only person who hasn’t done anything wrong here is you.

    When everyone in the world is giving you problems, it’s time to consider that maybe you’re the problem. And if the users and mods on lemmy are too harsh for you, then maybe you should go back to Truth Social or wherever the big-brained adults like yourself hang out.