Moms for Liberty appears to be slowly imploding.

    8 months ago

    Well the weird thing with that is that performative bisexuality on the part of a woman inside a heterosexual relationship framework where the idea is that it is in service to a man’s desire for sexual liasons with multiple female partners is sort of conceived by some people as “heterosexuallity plus”… A lot of the moral panic doesn’t kick in unless another male partner is introduced or there becomes strong evidence that the female partnership is continuing to happen when the male isn’t around.

    I could totally see one of these arrangements developing into a full blown romantic affair between two women but the compulsory heterosexual frame work providing more than enough internal gas lighting and refusal to reflect so they never connect the dots that they are in fact queer. It’s basically the distinction between kink and identity.

    Internalized homophobia be a trip.