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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • They don’t, but with quantization and distillation, as well as fancy use of fast ssd storage (they published a paper on this exact topic last year), you can get a really decent model to work on device. People are already doing this with things like OpenHermes and Mistral (given, 7B models, but I could easily see Apple doubling ram and optimizing models with the research paper I mentioned above, and getting 40B models running entirely locally). If the start of the network is good, a 40B model could take care of a vast majority of user Siri queries without ever reaching out to the server.

    For what it’s worth, according to their wwdc note, they’re basically trying to do this.

  • Well they’d argue that the money they put in is taxed, presumably because it was income and subject to income tax. So any income used to assess tax, they’d argue is taxed.

    I’d just argue any income (including from capital gains) should be taxed according to your wealth. I don’t care if it has already been assessed for tax. If it’s income, and you already have excessive wealth, you should be paying a hefty tax. The point of taxes is redistribution of wealth and communal improvement (eg infrastructure) so I really don’t care if something is taxed once twice or more times, I care that wealth is taxed and used for public good.

  • So the real / original answer to this was the idea that we should avoid double taxation. If you were taxed on income already, and then invested that income which is now post tax, that capital gains then should be less taxed (or some argue not taxed) because you already paid taxes on it.

    I’m of the opinion that I think taxes should be based on any income you make, based on the wealth you have. Source of income for the wealthiest should be irrelevant (and yes this includes in my mind realizing gains from stocks by borrowing against them).

  • Almost. If you own a share of a company, you own a share of something fungible, namely literal company property or IP. Even if the company went bankrupt, you own a sliver of their real product (real estate, computers, patented processes). So while you may be speculating on the wealth associated with the company, it is not a scam in the sense that it isn’t a non fungible entity. The sole value of crypto currency is in its speculative value, it is not tied in theory or in practice to something of perceptibly equal realized value. A dividend is just giving you return on profit made from realized assets (aforementioned real estate or other company property or processes), but the stock itself is intrinsically tied to the literal ownership of those profit generating assets.

  • This so much. People need to recondition that entertainment is not news, and news should not be entertainment. News should be description of noteworthy (even if boring) factual events. A presumptive presidential candidate talking about violating the constitution of the United States, that is noteworthy; maybe not unexpected in this case, but noteworthy.

    We need to be less entertained by news and more informed by news. Tell me what presidential candidates are saying in the most mundane terms possible. Anything beyond the barest oblique (as opposed to direct) fact or factual description should be eschewed.

  • Reading the article I’m not sure why I should t use ZFS on a boot drive. The author does, and was able to set up a nice incremental (encrypted) backup solution that was able to get them back up and running relatively quickly.

    Only thing I can think is the manual nature of it maybe? I don’t see how btrfs would be better here based on the article unless I missed something perhaps?