Mohammed Deif
Mohammed Deif
not really, unless you’re only used to speaking dialect arabic then news and modern books should sound archaic
Exactly, which is why I say, every time I see them translated I’m taken aback. I am very aware that there’s a very different context. It still throws me off when I see it because I (rightly) do not normally think of Hezbollah and the white supremacist preacher as the same and so seeing them use the same language feels super fucking weird.
I noticed that when reading the translated version of the Qur’an, feels completely different than in Arabic
most importantly the original statement was in Arabic and translated to English, very different context for words.
American psycho scene with them discussing the oppressed israelites ofSri Lanka
some kids got their heads blown off because they’re at pocket height, saw a video of a guy losing both of his legs from it
convinced me, I’ll assassinate Putin
hell yeah club
don’t democrats still do that?
Crash Bandicoot is a bandicoot
inshallah they get rejected, kosomohm
everyone except the same map
Algerian victory
already there, I think they blew up an oil pipeline a few weeks ago
So far in the olympics she beat the fuck out of a fascist and a cop
skin color