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Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • As the other commenter said, it would probably be for post-workout. Chocolate milk has fats, proteins, sugar, and a variety of micro nutrients. As far as I’m aware sugar is actually pretty important in liquid recovery drinks because it encourages the cells to absorb the sugar which allows other things to also join the fray. Fats and proteins also have numerous positive affects on muscle gain which I think is broadly known to some degree. IIRC this is the reason Gatorade and like drinks have the amount of sugar they do (plus palatability).

    This is not a statement of fact and should be verified by primary sources*

  • Create gov science centers for each major branch of science, provide funding. Allow them to delegate within their narrower and narrower fields with loose requirements such as x-y% is salary a-b% is resources, and maybe something like each new study can get no less than $z and no More than $r.

    I’m not saying this is perfect but spending more money towards it in general and allowing some branch delegation of funding would hopefully at least resolve the grant writing part and ensure salary. Though I’m not sure how one would ensure that they are being productive and not doing frivolous things on purpose. Perhaps q amount of hours a year must go to a gov decided research project and the rest is up to the researcher.

    Maybe funding for a project is aquired through hours contributed to projects the gov deems with a standard for high social benefit? I.E. You help with the research on this new hydro electric tech (regardless of outcome because we feel it’s an important study topic) and we pay ($p per hour spent on hydro tech) towards a study of your choice.

  • Your question “Is this true to some extent” (that oaks will die off from root damage)

    Second part: “Yes but the implication here is that oaks are in particular much more susceptible to damage from roots than other trees.”

    My answers: “Oaks are way more susceptible to pests and diseases, because of this 1/3 are near extinction and another 1/3 is under preservation consideration.” and “Roots are the life blood of a tree, damage to that makes them particularly vulnerable” (paraphrasing)

    To absolutely and clearly answer your question using the answers I have already provided: Yes, Oaks are more likely to die from minor damage to the roots than other trees because they are a lot more susceptible to pests and diseases. So vunerable in fact that 2/3rds of all species are at least in consideration for conservation. So minor damage to the roots is, again, much more likely to be fatal to an oak versus other trees.

    If that does not explicitly answer your above questions than I do not think it’s possible to answer your questions with the way you’ve provided them.

  • “An estimated 31% of the world’s oak species are threatened with extinction, while 41% of oak species are considered to be of conservation concern.” From the link I provided, under conservation tab.

    Also in that link I provided it states that Oaks are susceptible to a large number of pests and diseases.

    So I think that belies that oaks, being more susceptible to more pests and diseases, are way more likely to die from an injury to the roots than other trees. Which may explain the extinction threat and conservation concern status

  • Cute and attractive share a grey fuzzy line. It’s also well understood that sex sells. We also know that humans tend to feel more positively towards attractive (not exclusively sexually attractive) people/things. So it would make sense to make a product attractive, and, if anthropomorphic, with generic attractive proportions.

    If kids find it cute and appealing, they are more likely to ask to see it. If parents see it’s cute, it feels more child friendly, and even though they may not find it sexually appealing, good proportions are still easier on the eyes than disfigured or grotesque (plus it can be more relatable). Then you also have the adults who find it sexually attractive, and as stated previously, sex sells. You hit a much wider audience using generic attractive features and cutsy-ness, than singularly one or the other.

    This is in no way iron clad fact so much as personal musings on the why. If the Bunny was not seen nearly as attractive as the current design, would it garner so much attention, and therefore free advertising?