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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I don’t want things to be the same, that’s exactly my problem with our current society. We’ve become a society that supports forever wars, and lacks any and all compassion. I’m just here doing the best I can in this world with all my flaws and all the tools I was given by this society, and I voted for Trump. Does that mean I should be labeled a Nazi and a fascist for doing so? Maybe, but what does that say about the society that led to me being this way? Where is the compassion? Where is the discussion? I can tell you FOR SURE that it’s not in this forum where I’ve already been called a fascist Nazi for trying to bring us together.

  • Just know that a bunch of bots and paid commentors are responding to your post here. They’re programmed/paid to see comments like yours in all sorts of forums and respond by saying how stupid you are and explaining why free speech is evil. Stand tall, very few actually believe this, and the ones that do (those currently in power) all stand to benefit from us being silenced.

  • This thread’s existence appears to be an attempt to keep power where it currently is, with the elites of our society. People here are hating a group of people that barely exist (a super-minority). It’s the same on the right; they pick the loudest, craziest leftist groups and say that all people in the left are like that. This is crazy! I voted for Trump and according to many in here I’m essentially a Nazi that wants a fascist dictatorship.

    It’s pretty disheartening, but at the same time I know there’s basically a bunch of bots in here that are trying to pit us against each other. The people in power (government and corporate elites) are scared of us becoming allies and realizing THEY are the ones responsible, not MAGA Republicans, and not extreme leftists. They WANT us to question free speech even though we know better. They’ll even reply to me to make it SEEM like the are people that want to limit free speech, but the only people that want to do so are the elites.

    Please people wake up. I am not your enemy. The government and corporate elites are scared! They are the ones that need to answer for this. Stop fighting your brothers and sisters and LOOK UP!