• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • I only seem to barely notice the difference… At first i couldnt understand what everyone was talking about…but yeah its a small delay over what it used to be. Also it seems any bookmarked vids will no longer autoplay… you have to click play… is that a thing anyone else has to do ?

    I tried Edge and it seemed only a small bit faster to me, but it did autoplay. Are there any other anomalous strange effects google has done to youtube that i might have missed ?

    I never had issues with adds on FF and ublock … still don’t.

  • Came here to say this, but i see you have it covered. I get sooooo tired of the “coulds” ,“woulds” and “shoulds” we see in article titles like this. What is more likely to happen… a promising new technology that’s cheap to produce, maintain, and reduces prices for the delivery of the worlds most needed resource is universally embraced by ALL…or Companies like Nestle, who’s massive water profiteering is threatened by this innovation, either buys out all the patents and sweeps it under the rug , and/or launches a campaign of legal litigation against it’s developers so that it never gets funded nor ever gets to the practical production stage.

    I know what kind of world we’re living in… and it’s not one that favors the hope and needs of the many over the greed of the few.