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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • You are talking about Henry Bennett. This is a myth though. While he did have stairs like that, he died in a care home after years of declining health. His actual cause of death wasn’t announced, but it was likely because he had been in rapid decline for years and just before going into the care home, had a stroke.

  • The mass school shootings didn’t really take off off until the mid 2000s. So we are really just seeing the generation of constant mass shootings come into adulthood.

    When columbine happened it was rare for that type of shooting to happen at a school. The actual rate of school shootings was rapidly dropping by the late 90s too. It is still much lower than it was, only these mass shootings has increased. So, with it being, at the time, a rare event, and shootings in schools on a rapid decline, it just didn’t hit the way it seems to have affected gen z/alpha.

  • A lot of this is because people had to do a lot more exercise during the day than we do now. Not that the lard was better for us. This is where a lot of the downvotes come from. Even the rich had to do a lot more walking. If we could return to the amount of exercise we averaged 50+ years ago, you would see a lot of this decline. The next big thing is the amount we eat. We consume significantly more calories now than we used to. In the past 100 years it has increased ~20%. All the while we have been doing less physically. The third big factor is where the shitty food comes in. Having sugar/highly refined carbs added to just about everything promotes over-eating, while also fucking with your insulin production, and other endocrine issues, that promote fat retention, while also increasing addictive eating disorder likelihood.

  • Yeah we had a big quiverfull church not far from where I used to live. They were in a cycle of being in the news every few years for how they promote their flock to get on government assistance to afford more kids. People making six figure incomes were getting a variety of benefits because they had over a dozen kids, in two cases two dozen kids. This would piss people, garner calls for legal changes to stop this abuse, bring up how they are exactly the type of people who want to scare people with “welfare queen” stories, etc.

    For a couple generations, the pumping out children mandate made it grow. However, around the third generation they started seeing a steep decline in parishionership. Basically the founding members’ kids weren’t nearly as willing to stay in this cult, and by their grand children’s generation, their birthrate wasn’t enough to replace their flock. By the time their great grand kids’ generation came around (current time) they were quickly dwindling in numbers. Now every time their welfare stuff hits the news they now have interviews with people who cut their families off, and left the cult, being interviewed about how insane they are.

    From what I have been able to find, this seems to be the general timeline of these “super family” sects. They burn themselves out, and as time time progresses, the burnout comes more, and more, quickly. So the long term prospects of the baby factory faiths isn’t good.