Welcome to the club. You’re late.
Welcome to the club. You’re late.
That’s not that much, also are you sure it’s a “fizzy drink” addiction or instead a sugar/sweets addiction? You could try swapping out the pepsi max with an unsweetened fizzy water like Perrier or La Croix and then eventually transitioning to regular water from there, but i’m betting it’s the sweetness you are craving.
I love Historia Civilis. I wish he’d also discuss the Roman leaders that came after Gaius Julius Augustus. A lot of historians and books stop there after the fall of the Republic, but from what I understand a lot happened within the Roman empire since then. It would be nice to learn more about it all.
Oh, cool. thanks!
I usually only use it via command line, but that’s disappointing to hear that it’s no longer supported. I have used redshift-gtk in the past but I could never keep it functioning for very long, and I prefer KDE. It seems every alternative wants to automate it to synchronize with sunrise and sunset, but 90% of the time I use it is simply because my eyes are already aching. I wish there was another with an easy access on/off switch. The built-in functions require going into settings each time I want to change it and that’s just no good.
I feel like these two comments really should be at the top.
Only pedos work at ICE.
I got “How To Start Using Dropbox”
Too late, I win!
quit strawmanning!
How would you say Bongbong has been doing since he was elected?
How does proton cover that expense?
There’s a part of me that has become annoyed that i’m forced to pay for a vpn to now access the entirety of the internet. I don’t blame the vpn provider, though. --Nope, they are not the ones I blame…
now i gotta download something i don’t even wanna download.
Terrorism is when you do it. Politics is when the establishment does it.
I think you’re right but it’s easy to forget the onslaught of scandals he was reported on having during his last administration. By the time he lost the election it was multiple scandals per week.
I think if i dig through my records I can find a federal subpoena from 2016. A LEO had to formally come to my door to confirm I received it but the prosecutor sent it to me via email.
That’s the point. There’s a pretentious implication that your priviledged when the term “expat” is used, but their just emmigrants of priviledged western nations.
Its the same with the UK “expats.” When brexit first happened many UK expats were blown away that Spain was treating them like Immigrants even though they were.
You could just start telling everyone your an expat of your country of origin. I don’t know if it will help you, but it certainly will make you sound more pretentious
last year when a number of states started to effectively ban adult content.
-You could also argue it happened a lot sooner over a decade back when every high traffic website started transforming into a walled garden.
COOL. Cool. cool. Doesn’t this mean they will just get replaced by people that fall in line with corruption?