Class struggle in all its forms.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2021


  • The national bourgeosie is rightfully scared of Communism holding sway by the masses once again that would rid all their attempts at keeping us divided (racialism and communalism).

    The last thing they want is comprehensive land reform and destruction of all feudal vestiges in Malaysian society which includes the parasitic monarchy. (Insulting the monarchy is constitutionally illegal.)

    Also I have to laugh at anyone describing Malaysia as a democracy - we literally don’t even local council elections. It was abolished to contain communism.

    If anything Malaysia was always democratic if we follow liberal polsci definitions (multiparty elections). Do they even know that the COALITION that ruled for 50 years consisted of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) and Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC)?

    POC representation in my coalition? What a wholesome liberal democracy!

    This act betrays the hope of Malaysian people that the new government under Anwar Ibrahim will be more democratic, fair, intellectually and culturally open than all the previous eras.

    This is not surprising in the slightest. The material basis and class antagonisms have not been removed. The so-called centrist unity government we have now dug their own grave and have to entrench themselves in racialist and anti-communist rhetoric to maintain in power.

    Can’t wait for the urban liberals to come and defend the guy because he speaks “eloquently” and “professionally”. (Just kidding, I don’t have to. They already do this.)