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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • Soweit ich das verstehe, kann man mit einem Account auf Instanz A bei allen anderen Instanzen mitmachen (lesen/kommentieren) die nicht explizit blockiert sind (was sehr selten vorkommt).

    Insofern ist es schon dezentralisiert. Natürlich muss die Instanz der Gemeinde auch online sein um mitzumachen, aber das ist genauso bei zentralisierten Foren wie Reddit. Der Unterschied ist dass, wenn eine Instanz offline ist/blockiert wird, man mit seinem Account immer noch mit anderen Instanzen kommunizieren kann. Das würde bei zentralisierten Seiten wie Reddit nicht funktionieren (wenn Reddit nicht erreichbar ist, sind alle Reddit-Gemeinden weg).

  • This is a very inaccurate map, as it lumps the actual Italian empire, protectorates and administrated regions all together as one. The map’s resolution is very small so it’s hard to tell, but some places are marked that were none of the above (e.g. Athens in Axis-occupued Greece).

    Even worse though, this map includes regions that were never under Italian control simultaneously. Quoting from the Wikipedia image on the linked article (and which this map is an either accidental or intentional worse copy of):

    Italian Colonial Empire. Every territory ever controlled by the Italian Empire as some point in time during World War II. (many of those were not under Italian control until November 1942/early 1943, and East Africa was lost before the conquest of Yugoslavia and Greece in 1941)

  • Nice idea about the GPS receiver, I hadn’t thought of this workaround.

    I ~recently got a Fairphone as well, and while it’s the next model, the fact that I can see them still supporting the FP3 with both hardware and software was what convinced me that they’ll probably keep the same promise with my model in the future.

    Apart from no headphone jack and it being a little bigger than I’d like, I’m very happy with the FP4. I intend to use it until the end of its 5-year warranty, and reading about the longevity of yours makes me optimistic. Thanks for sharing!

  • I used to only get lower mid-range phones (~€250, and not latest models) and keep them as long as possible, mostly due to financial and environmental concerns. My last phone broke a few months ago so I got a Fairphone 4 as a replacement.

    I’m very satisfied so far, but of course I’m not accustomed to fancy phones either so I’m aware that the bar is lower for me. Functionally speaking it does what I want it to, and feels good enough to fulfill my modest needs even in 4-5 years from now when requirements will have gone up.

    The price is significantly higher than any other phone I’d bought - but I’m fine with that due to the extended warranty. I’ll save money from not buying another phone in 3-4 years, and the added peace of mind from not having to replace the whole phone if anything were to break is worth some money in itself too.

    But all the above would only convince me of 80-90% of the price. The fair production and environmental/personal freedom aspect of the phone are both the reason for the higher price but also why I’m happy to pay the price. I’d rather know that €500 is supporting things I want to see more of, than €300 is encouraging and perpetuating things that dislike.

    But I also fully understand that I happen to have a little money to spare - a few years ago I was very tight with money, so as much as I would’ve liked to support it I’d have to make do with what I had. There’s other ways to help if money’s tight: Like I think also FP themselves say, “the most sustainable phone is the one you’re already using” (or something along those lines).

    In short, my advice from my personal (limited) experience would be:

    • If you can afford it and don’t have very high needs, the FP4 is a good long-term investment.
    • If you want a higher-end phone/even longer parts availability, go rather for the FP5.
    • If you want a high-end phone but foresee that you’d like to continue switching to higher-end phones fairly frequently, a non-FP would make more sense.
    • If you are very tight on money and the FP4 is too expensive, a cheap conventional mid-range phone would provide most of the same functionality (bar longevity) for a significantly lower price.


    Finally, one note on the warranties: iirc (do correct me if I’m wrong), the FP4 will allow for an extended warranty of 5 years only until the end of 2023, after that it’ll be 3 years. So if you’re going for a FP4 it’d make more sense to buy before the year ends. The FP5 continues to offer a 5 year extended warranty regardless of when you buy it.