Thank you
Thank you
No worries - I unsubscribed I’d rather have more Canadian related news.
Enough with news from the USA !!!
This is suppose to be a Canadian app why are we flooded with everything that’s happening in america? Fook off with this shite from down south they have enough platform to push they bullshit let this app be about what’s going on in Canada for Canadians. I’d rather even hear what’s going on in any other country than the USA It doesn’t say world news or USA news - it’s suppose to be news that relates to us living here in Canada!
You should dry your vegetables and press all the water out of them with a paper towel. And I mean you need to press them pretty hard and get the maximum amount of water out. You could par bake your crust if it’s still soggy even after drying your veggies. Another way is to make a cast iron pizza where you start the pizza for the first two minutes on the stove top while it’s in the cast iron pan and put it in the oven for the remainder of the time (15min at 500)
Hope this helps
I might just do that thanks