• 8 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 29th, 2022


  • Polish “economic miracle” could means several things, we have one constantly reinvented by state propaganda to shut our faces and i lost count long ago what they mean currently. Generally over the last two decades i would say it’s blanket term for sucking up the cash from EU (Poland was and still is all the time most subsidized country) while not entirely integrating into EU financial structures to not be hit as hard by the crisises like in 2008 (fun fact: even the fucker balcerowicz knows euro is not good and lobbying hard for keeping currency was probably the only good thing he ever did) and actually quite skillful engineereing of social dumping both from and to Poland.

    Before that it was standard for postsocialist country “let’s lose 30 years of development, become colonised, and call that economical miracle”

    never heard of Poland(, or any country for that matter,) funding 100% of a company while leaving the dividends to foreign hands

    Huh? That’s happening all the time, it’s called “privatisation”. In Poland (and i suspect in every postsocialist country) there was especially scummy way to do it in first 3 years of transformation: industry was bought by random people substituted by foreign business, for peanuts, and those peanuts were provided by the company being bought as lease, so effectively it was state just giving up the industry for free, nearly always into foreign hands.

    It also did happened later like the case of modern steel mill being build, immediately sold for nearly nothing and of course liquidated as competition (in Silesia around 2005 iirc).

    There was also even more blatant case i do known, though it probably also happened way more elswhere and wasn’t into foreign hands specifically: Meiji Japan build state industry and then to purposefully kickstart not even capitalism but immediately imperialism, they just given it up to zaibatsus, creating the industrial molochs that would lead Japan straight into fascism. And considering the still-mostly medieval development level of most of coutry it could be said that they literally pushed the imperialism button.

  • Probably fearing reprisal from the government. Zelensky’s government has a tight grip on the news and media, they are from the media industry themselves, they know how important and powerful it can be. They banned all TV channels except their own, Telemaraton or something like that. They put restrictions on what newspapers can publish and limit access to areas, like the front line.

    You are most probably correct, but the word “integrity” still feels not very accurate even in this case.

    The “internal struggle” is the people of Ukraine fighting against their government that has decided to sacrifice them for US/NATO interests.

    I hope very much. Note that unlike rest of former socialist countries, Ukraine had to be couped every decade at least once to keep them on leash: 1991, 2004, 2014, 2022

  • I guess my question is just to what degree is there pushback against this in the Ukraine ?

    No idea, there is no trustworthy info about it. Nothing major though, but i imagine country in which army is openly kidnapping and harassing people and where opposition is jailed or murdered by fascist mobs might have this supressed.

    previously existing ukrainian orthodox church was far removed from Russia already

    Doctrinally and thologically there is zero diferences, politically yes, although the schism was only in 2019, so you can see it’s very recent development, i wouldn’t be surprised to see US money in that, it wouldn’t be even first time nor the 100th where orthodox church took US money for working against people.

  • I had read libs mostly just getting in line with pavlov’s dog reflex of supporting and excusing anything Ukraine did, so i meant this post as mostly yet another point out their hipocrisy because they constantly cry about so called religious persecution in China or USSR.

    Surely this is an unpopular move with vast swathes of Ukrainian population ?

    Definitely although hard to say how exactly because the ones openly belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate are being gradually deplatformed for years.

    I know many of them take their Catholicism seriously

    It’s not catholicism, there are below 8% of catholics in Ukraine, it’s state sponsored schism in the orthodox church, purely politically motivated and although the docrine remains the same the new de facto state religion supports the ukronazi actions very much and entire situation looks kinda like church support for ustase during ww2, though in this case the Kiev church is more of a puppet, after all, every sincgle church that didn’t complied ended up shaken up by Kiev goons with confiscates and priest imprisonments.
    Legality of the schism is also kinda dubious, because even if other patriarchates recognized it, Moscow didn’t so it’s outside meddling, something previously heavily criticized in orthodox church.

    its not like this church was some bastion of Soviet society, deeply reactionary institution already

    Eh i wish this opinion was more popular in leftist circles, but alas. Again, personally i wish unilimited schisms on all churches but i don’t wish to see banderites also becoming ustase.