Redcuban1959 [any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2020


  • Noboa and Milei competing to see who is the first South American president to completely destroy his own country.

    who don’t like Glas can recognize that this is just an absolutely insane action

    Noboa is so stupid that he did this shit because he wanted an easy win, since his fight against the cartel is going badly. He thought he was going to dominate the Correistas by arresting someone who was once close to Rafael Correa. But Noboa broke international law, and even the US seems to be pissed off about it.

    Great plan to isolate your own country from its neighbors and the West when you urgently need help to fight the drug cartels.

  • decides to focus on arresting an irrelevant ex-opposition member

    Jorge Glas is still close to Rafael Correa, he was expelled from Lenin Moreno’s government because he refused to participate in the selling the country to the US. Noboa is trying to intimidate the Correaistas and appease his own supporters, all to divert attention from the fact that Noboa is a useless US puppet who is doing nothing to stop his country falling into a civil war against the drug cartels.

  • even if donald shart “removed democracy” what would change?

    Nothing really, the real reason why most liberals hate Trump is because he doesn’t hide the fact that the USA is not a real democracy and is a fascistic state. Usually the democrats try to hide it better than the republicans, so their voters can sleep well without thinking about all the people the US kills outside and inside their country.

  • wtf its on his mind.

    The right doesn’t need to have coherent thoughts, all it does is spread hate and lies, push the blame for social problems onto innocent people, all to distract people from the real problems that the right can’t solve, since that requires real social reforms, which the bourgeoisie is always against, since that means the bourgeoisie would lose its political power.

  • in short, argetina took some big ass loans to imf during their military dictatorship, so they are in a permanent crises since that.

    Funny enough, Nestor Kirchner did pay most of the loans. And that made the right and the Argentine elite really angry since their entire thing was not doing anything good and when people complained they would say that “Oh, it’s because of the loans we took. We can’t do anything besides neoliberal reforms”.

    Then Macri decided to take more loans, and Alberto decided to actually attempting to pay the loans when they should have told the IMF to go fuck themselfs.