Y’all are cuckoo bananas, imho.
Y’all are cuckoo bananas, imho.
No, but it’s on Nintendo Switch, PC/Steam, and a few other consoles, I believe!
I think it may be my favorite game of all time, so if you choose to play it, I hope you have fun!
Survival. But you’re in the middle of an ocean. Good luck!
I have. Tried to do the poly thing a few times, but the folks involved were far too emotionally messy for a serious relationship.
That would probably be the way I’d want to go, but, personally, I’ve seen very very very very few poly relationships with a good dynamic between partners, remained chill, and were emotionally healthy.
Lol I’ve been with all kinds. Long or short, it’s just not an act I’m into. But I remember a time when it went on for what seemed like a near unbearably long time, but the guy seemed very proud of himself, so I didn’t want to rain on his parade. Felt like mental torture just waiting for it to be over.
I actually have tried it before and gave up after a few separate times.
I’m super super super open to poly relationships, but it seems like most folks who are also looking for/in poly stuff are not emotionally mature enough to make it work properly.
The pool is barely a puddle with all the requirements to make my particular situation work out. I’m just working to kind of accept my fate, at this point.
That’d be great, if A). ace folks weren’t VERY far and VERY few between, and B). “I’m an ace who actively sex.” Because apparently that’s a thing with 0 differentiation, which makes everything 100000% more frustrating.
Yes. And it sucked. And it still sucks.
Within the last few year, I’ve finally realized I’ve been asexual my whole life. I’ve had sex before, but I struggled to care about it or enjoy it. It was always inconvenient, messy, went on too long, etc. I had enjoyed spending time with my partners, but I hated sex, and that’s been a huge part of all my relationships.
And, yes, I’ve had “good sex” before. Just like someone who hates pie can have the best pie ever, it’s still pie!
I’ve sworn off relationships until I can figure it out, but god knows that every romantic relationship will require sex to let my partner know that I care about them and their needs. I’m sick of compromising. Why the fuck should I need to compromise on something that I don’t want or like? Plus, because I’m not into it, I’m sure my partner would want someone who puts in enthusiastic effort to the endeavor.
Don’t tell me that I’ll find someone. It’s not comforting, and I’m still grappling with the reality of it. I’d like a partner, but it’s just not feasible for someone like me.
I’m still mad that I’m like this.
Absolutely! No one should ever go out looking for a scaleless beardie. Ever. I’m a former foster/rescue, and I was offered up one from a breeder who produced one by accident (they retired that pair immediately after). I accepted because I wanted to learn how to care for one in case I’d need the knowledge for future cases.
The amount of time & money I’ve spent on this idiot to keep him healthy & comfortable is ridiculous.
Love him to bits! But no one should ever get a scaleless beardie.
I have scaleless bearded dragon. Naked reptiles are indeed real. Not always healthy, though.
Oh! Kryptonite! Good thinking!
I recall Fearless Leader saying that covid can definitely be defeated if we can expose our insides to UV light. That’s a hot rock, right?
Magic rocks!
Is your average American who voted this circus into office in favor of drugs?
Make him take a drug test and publicly announce the results!
That’s Lizzie! She’s adorable!!
She’s the Paralympics mascot, and a frilled lizard! Her frill is shaped like Australia!
My very best friend in the whole world mentioned a trans person, shook his head, and remarks that “we need a purge”.
I really, truly thought that different ideologies could get along until then. With that comment, I realized that, no, I cannot get along with an ideology that believes that marginalized groups “should not exist”. Because, deep down, a belief for their “non-existence” is a belief for their death. And I now refuse to have friends who believe things like that.
Civility is compliance. I kicked him out of my house, my final words to him, as he angrily screamed at me, being “bye, bitch, bye!” It hurt me so badly to lose my closest friend that day, but my life really did improve after that. Now he might actually have to pay for the therapy he so desperately needs. God knows, he won’t, because he believes that “mental health excuses are just pussy shit”, but considering he’s howling that no one has wanted to fuck him for the last x amount of years shows that his anger and bitterness are still holding him back. He’s insufferable.
Fuck any belief that punches down. Y’all deserve to exist peacefully and not be fucking bothered by dickheads about how you live your life.
What the fuck do you care about my fucking well-being, Microsoft, you pieces of garbage-water sucking shit!