Software shouldn’t be locked.
The manufacturer should stand by their products.
Products don’t need constant updates.
There is a point to repair.
Software shouldn’t be locked.
The manufacturer should stand by their products.
Products don’t need constant updates.
There is a point to repair.
I don’t think I understand how it can be hotter than 100 celcius.
I’m not defending McDonald’s here, they can rot.
Like, coffee is mostly water, and water boils at atmospheric pressure at 100c. Milk boils slightly more than 100. I guess the lid would pressurise the steam a little? Maybe the coffee grinds hold the heat far more than the water? I wouldn’t have thought it would be diluted too much to make a difference.
I guess this is a stupid question, because it happened. But how can boiling water cause third degree burns in the quantity of 500ml? I thought it’d have to be much more than that and very prolonged?
I’d argue security updates are not needed too.
It depends on what the device is used for.
Most security concerns nowadays are from users giving easy access to nefarious people. Usually easy passwords that can be collected from social media.
I’d also argue that corps like Microsoft, Google, Apple etc, can have far more nefarious intentions than some random hacker. Even if it’s just data leaks. There is safety in a crowd. But when corps control the crowd… That’s more of a reason to raise security concerns.