This is a Blu Ray dump. Loading up Index.bdmv in VLC or your media player of choice should run the disc as if it were a real disc.
26 | he/him | Wiradjuri
death to america 🇵🇸
This is a Blu Ray dump. Loading up Index.bdmv in VLC or your media player of choice should run the disc as if it were a real disc.
i would too tbh
he’s just changed it to a Creative Commons licence that prohibits packaging and selling of the emulator, nothing that anybody outside of people selling dodgy romsets online are going to need to worry about
I was with a semi-local one until recently because they had some pretty hefty account access fees (got charged $40 in a month for what I would consider normal card usage). As much as they had a “give back to the community” initiative behind them I just couldn’t justify that financially.
The one I’m with now advertises itself as a “bank” and seems to be more national but they’re still a CU. No monthly access fees, the same level of great service, local branch, they’ll donate to a local charity of your choice free of charge, just generally more satisfied with them overall.
Both seemed to use the same general app which seems to be getting around the CUs and it seems to work fairly well for checking balances and transferring funds. Also works fine on phones that don’t run Google services with SafetyNet and all that.
Most streaming rippers have their toolsets and methods and often tend not to share them in fear of the streaming companies finding out and patching exploits up.
Hope the content you want turns up on torrent sites.
if you have to ask, not enough. i once had a bank whose system didn’t accept any password longer than 10 characters, and that was only after i called them up and asked why i couldn’t log in