I swear I’m not Jessica

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Rotate the compass 45° clockwise, name the new vertical axis to state economy vs private economy, and name the new horizontal axis to left and right. At the far left(green) you have total destruction of hierarchy and flattening of power inequality, while at the far right(blue) you have absolute hierarchy and centralized power.

    State centralized economies(red) lead to increased hierarchy by empowering government officials to become powerful lords. Privatized economies(purple/yellow) lead to increased hierarchy by empowering capitalists to become powerful lords. Trying to reach either the top or bottom tip of the diamond leads you the right tip.

    Horseshoe theory kind of applies to Marxist-Leninists like its pro-capitalists creators imagined, but they didn’t realize that they were the other end of the horseshoe. This is because both capitalism and the state are the dangers. The problem with both stems from allowing the unrestricted accumulation of power.

    Government officials use political capital, while capitalists use economic capital. They can feed off of each other, with the rich helping politicians and the politicians helping the rich. My preferred solution to both is to redistribute capital from the rich directly to the poor, growing the middle class by putting a ceiling and floor on the rich and the poor.

  • Oh, got it. I can only use the term genocide after the genocide is fully completed. I guess it helps you virtue signal by saying “never again” without actually having to put in work when “again” comes around.

    Last time I listened to the “boy who cried wolf” argument, I was proven wrong. We should have listened when Trump was called a fascist in 2016. It was unpopular to use that F word then, but what else can you call the Republicans now? It’s just what they are.

    If you can’t use the word “wolf” until after it’s eaten all your sheep, you’re not a good Shepherd.

  • The current genocide being carried out by Israel against Palestinians and supported by almost all American politicians, including Biden? The genocide that we need to not shut up about because it’s a bad idea for literally everyone on top of being evil beyond measure? The imminent slaughter of a million children and adolescents? That genocide?

    Nah, I’ve never said a word about that. I totally don’t tell anyone who might listen about how terrible it is. Nope, I’m exactly the liberal caricature you think I am. If I started from the same facts as you, I’d totally share your opinions because you’re an absolute genius about everything compared to me.

  • Sorry. This ethnic cleansing is clearly genocidal by now. They want the Palestinians in Gaza gone, and neighboring countries are not capable or willing to take them. That leaves death as the most likely fate for almost all Gazans. A million kids live there for fuck’s sake. It’s evil Nazi shit being done by the very fuckers who claim criticism of Israel is antisemitism.

    They are Judeo-fascists, because no fucking group will ever be immune to fascism: Socialists, feminists, African Americans, trans people, every conceivable group of people for the rest of human history. There is no identity that cannot lead to fascism.

  • Biden and Obama and all your beloved democrats which can do no wrong sure as hell didn’t do it.

    My goodness, you just can’t help yourself, can you? I could only vote for Democrats because think they can do no wrong. You can’t comprehend any other explanation. I try to understand your view and have empathy.

    I understand how unfair the system is and how powerless you feel to change it. If the game is rigged, why play the game? Why try the work within the confines of liberal democracy when the deck is stacked against you? It feels like playing the game is doing what the powerful people want from you. Not playing seems to be the only way to win.

    You don’t understand that playing isn’t optional. The game can change rules, but it must be played. Voting is power, just like money or resources, except everyone has equal power and are only able to persuade others for more. Power is fundamentally required for all life to continue existing. If a lifeform cannot get the power it needs, it dies. If voting is taken away, you still need to get power elsewhere. That just leaves you with capitalism and violence, an area where the right has even more of an advantage. You’re a larper if you think violence is a good idea for the left.

    Apathy from the left is exactly what capitalists want, as they only need to persuade the right and center to win. Fascists want apathy even more, as they thrive in an environment of coercion. Not playing is an option you’re free to choose, but so is walking off a cliff.