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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Ive experimented with it over the last couple weeks but it ended up not being what I was looking for.

    The use case for me was making my sonarr calendar public while keeping sonarr itself private. It would have been nice to point radicale to my local address for sonarr to fetch calendar updates then make them publicly accessible but that didn’t seem (easily) possible.

    What I ended up doing instead was running a cron script to wget the sonarr calendar and place it in my caddy directory.

  • It’s been a shit year for comp games for me. I’ve been playing csgo since release day and source before that but with cs2 my entire friend group had to shift away because comp no longer works for us (tried yesterday and got 2 matches over 8.5 hours of queue). for a couple of months we just stopped playing cs and because of that basically stopped talking entirely. i’d never played league before and never wanted to, but they were all into it so i thought it was better to do something with them that i didn’t like than nothing at all. I spent 3 months learning it and got somewhat up to their level (on one role with like 3 characters only)… and then this. so now we are back to cs2 purgatory queues until valve caves to those morons that think vanguard is good. why even bother putting time into a comp game anymore. rise above, morty, play tetris.

  • This reminded me of some management training I went through for a fast food company years ago. They tell managers to always back up the decisions of team members (unless illegal) regardless of if they were in the right or not. then, if possible without undermining the employee, appease the customer, then educate the team member in a 1 on 1.

    All the decent mods left Reddit during the blackout and Reddit is treating the new batch with fast-food “we are a family” retention tactics. It makes people feel indebted despite being under-paid, over-worked, and generally exploited. Indebted people are less likely to start future blackouts or do anything against the wishes of the corporation they owe. Just one more reason to trust Reddit even less

  • I don’t think so? If the diameter of the coin is wider than the gap between two nubs then you couldn’t fit it in. If it’s thinner than the gap, the coin wouldn’t stay in once it was between all three. That might make for a good puzzle idea but it would need some trick to work, like a detachable knob

  • I’m gonna take issue with that last point because one of the easiest ways to identify an incel is how much they watch Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, or Andrew Tate. All of which built their brand by preaching self-help tips (fucking awful self-help tips and always laced with violent hateful rhetoric but still). I think they desperately want to improve but they’ve built up so much internal constraint and flawed ideology that no advice catered to that toxic mindset is going to be effective at what they really want to accomplish. What they actually need is a real mental health professional to lead them to identifying and breaking down those ideologies and frameworks for themselves. But therapy is for Betas and real Alphas are hyper independent or whatever.

  • _Mantissa@lemmy.worldtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    Baking. People say it’s the science of the kitchen but those people just don’t use proper measurements when cooking. What they really mean is that it’s fiddly as fuck and even following a recipe perfectly isn’t a guaranteed success. There’s always some shit about “maybe your room temperature was off?” “what altitude did you try the recipe at?”. Fuckers. Science doesn’t burn me like this. If I follow a scientific procedure where those variables can completely destroy the end result, they get mentioned in the procedure. Baking itself is a science, but it is absolutely not practiced like a science. Baking is a skill for 99% of us. And I’m sick of pretending like it’s not.

  • No, read the citation. and I didn’t say known to me to be an idiot, I said known idiot, which they are based on the results of googling them. But Instead of thinking “that doesn’t sound right, better check that to make sure” I think “this follows the same pattern of other conspiracy theories and when i’ve researched them in the past they have all been misleading or false”. I’ve gone down that rabbit hole before and it always ends the same way. Professional misinformation is designed to be difficult to debunk but that doesn’t make it correct. and I’m not calling you an idiot for reading or believing it. I would suggest you dig a little deeper though, because that is at the very least a conspiracy (if true) and at worst blatantly misleading. either way, facebook is evil enough in daylight for me to wage war so I don’t really need to lie to myself to be more angry at them.

  • oh neat, the author (and owner of the website) has a podcast, “Whitney Webb on deep diving into Epstein, 9/11, Covid, and more” “Whitney Webb is a researcher and a proper journalist.”

    Now, I hate ethos based rhetoric as much as the next guy, but I think if someone hangs a neon sign on their chest that says “im an idiot” then I can just dismiss their ideas without thoroughly debunking them. I mean, I’m certainly not wasting an afternoon and the alternative is blindly believing a wall of text written by a known idiot. So I’m kind of backed into a corner here.

  • I’ll take a stab. This is all conjecture though so pinch of salt, yada yada. Basically, it’s a mix of two or three things.

    First, after record breaking inflation in the U.S., the real price of goods/luxuries went up. If everyone bought the exact same thing they bought on black friday last year, we would still have spent more money this year. If you account for our absurd annual inflation this year, “up 7.5%” does not sound very impressive at all.

    Second, the economy and general luxury shopping are not necessarily positively correlated. For example, I feel really gloomy about the prospect of ever owning a home. Since I’m just renting, I have more disposable income for luxury shopping. The same could be true for any large purchases like cars, moving out of state, starting businesses, etc. We aren’t reinvesting our money in our economic systems as heavily so it follows that we have more spending cash (not a lot more, but I would certainly have less if I had a mortgage right now).

    Third, budgetary reasons. If people do have less money then it follows that a spur of the moment purchase like a new TV would not be made so hastily throughout the year. Or even specifically held off on until the annual sale. It could be that we didn’t get our usual luxuries and are compensating by getting them at a discounted price. It may also just be emotional spending on ourselves, which many people do as a response to feeling ‘gloomy’ in a consumer-first culture, despite that actively making the problem worse.

  • CSGO was my go-to game since the literal hour it was released. I have well over 10k hours in it and have hit global several times, though not consistently.

    I didn’t mind the first few weeks of CS2 because I assumed it would get better but it did not. As it is right now the game is unplayable to me. And not the melodramatic kind, I mean I literally can’t get a match if I want to. I’ve sat in queues over 24 hours long. On a really good day, we can manage one match every 4 hours. It’s a match full of cheaters, smurfs, and low silvers, but by God it’s a match. Apparently not everyone has this issue and good for them, but this is my experience in NA high elo competitive.

    I honestly mourn the loss of my favorite time waster, but the game doesn’t want me there anymore so I won’t stick around. I’ll check every few months for it to be playable again