aka freamon

Codeberg: https://codeberg.org/freamon?tab=activity

Anything from https://lemmon.website is me too.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 27th, 2024


  • 'Bin follows the same format as Mastodon for inline images, which is different from Lemmy.
    Mastodon puts the details for an inline image inside an ‘attachment’ field, with nothing in the ‘content’ fields, whereas Lemmy doesn’t use an ‘attachment’ field at all for them, and includes the HTML for img src in the content.
    It’s always been the case that Mastodon didn’t show images from Lemmy comments. I don’t know if the reverse is a new thing or if it’s always been like that.

  • That’s great to hear. There’s zero API at the moment though, let alone a stable one. PieFed is a monolith, without the backend / front-end split that necessitates an API.

    It easy to add one, pending the addition of some missing features and a code reorganization that needs to happen anyway. At that point, hopefully some interested app developers will also be involved, to shape the API into something they may wish that other app’s APIs were like.

  • I think most bread that’s available to buy is actually junk. Even the ‘wholemeal’ stuff, which itself obfuscates what you actually want: wholegrain. Ideally, the carbs percentage shouldn’t be more than 5 times the fibre percentage (according to the ‘How not to die’ book), but I’ve found that very little that actually meets that.

    This is why people can become obese without understanding why: the over-processing of food considered as staples.

  • This isn’t really my area, but I’ll have a crack. From what I understand, Lemmy uses the ‘meta og:image’ tag to grab a thumbnail. Inspecting your site, I can see that that tag is in the html head. However, if you just ‘curl’ the URL, then it isn’t in the results. Using ‘curl’ for URLs from sites that are known to work in terms of generating thumbnails (theguardian and bbc), the tag is visible in the result.

    This suggests that your site is using further scripting on page load to provide the meta tags, whereas perhaps Lemmy can only get them if they are provided immediately. There are other sites (like Reuters), who use additional scripting, that Lemmy is unable to get thumbnails for also (e.g. https://lemmy.world/post/16203031)