I guess all the “ENHANCE” we saw in movies and tv wasn’t bs, just ahead of its time.
I guess all the “ENHANCE” we saw in movies and tv wasn’t bs, just ahead of its time.
Just got two Powerball tix for tonight, thanks! Since one ticket is 50%, two should basically guarantee I win!
Gonna go kick my boss in the balls and walk out, should be fine, right? Probably.
Nice! As a follow up, is there a good app/source to get more positive articles Ike this regularly?
Ooh I dug through recipe apps a while back, I ended up using Pestle. It’s pricier than Paprika but I prefer the Pestle UI. Both good apps with similar feature sets, just providing another option.
Paprika - $5 Pestle - $20/yr or $40 lifetime
Where’s a catologist when you need one?
I always really liked South Park’s Satan when he explains addiction to Stan.
I definitely don’t mind a tasteful saturation boost, this shot would be killer with or without it anyway! That sky is so surreal.
Great work, love it.