ones black, ones grey, In the right light, it really can be difficult to tell who’s who.
ones black, ones grey, In the right light, it really can be difficult to tell who’s who.
Dodger is also curious about my nonsense.
Bear wants to know wtf Im doing.
Ncis episode Tim traced ThE mOsT dAnGeRoUs HaCkEr iN tHe WoRlD to an internal 192.168.something. I do not remember how it was resolved because I was laughing too hard.
(the whole two person keyboard thi g early in the series was an intentional gag, so it doesn’t count)
wait wait wait…would it be only super bowls or superb owls?
He has so many judgment faces its ridiculous. For instance, here’s a mild variation of “what the fuck is wrong with you?”
And “you are so full of shit” .
Bear’s got her own set, though they tend to lean more towards “idiot peasant.”