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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Nuclear is a terrible fit for that though, it can’t scale up and down generation quickly, which is what would be useful with renewable. Honestly we’re better off for now trying to get to 95% renewables as quickly as possible for cheap, and filling the 5% with quickly scaling gas, and solve the last few percent a little more slowly but in a way that’s economic (and therefore will realistically happen). Nuclear is just way too slow, and if you sunk the cost that it’d take to build out the nuclear we could easily have a 100% renewable grid a lot sooner than the 20+ years it’ll take with nuclear

  • The cost of the commissioning and decommissioning (+of course running and wast management) is enough to make it more expensive than renewables with enough storage and transmission though. Nuclear was a great idea 30 years ago. In Australia where we have incredibly good renewable resources it’s a terrible idea today.

    I think a lot of the pushing for nuclear now is just as a distraction to keep fossil fuels in the mix for as long as possible, so those politicians can get their cosy board positions on fossil fuel companies after they quit politics

  • I mean, that seems like a really sceptical way to live. Often things get shilled because people are just happy with the service and think the business is doing things well. I am a kagi user and have brought it up to some others, including outside of lemmy, because I find it produces better search results than ddg etc. And it’s a definite step up from google in privacy

  • I’m not certain of Brisbane, but my family has a little farm about 4 hours north of Sydney. Part of it is floodplains (go under in even small floods) so we tend to be reasonably familiar with the conditions that cause the big floods.

    At the moment it’s not desperately dry, but the soil can hold a lot more water and there hasn’t been enough rain to cause run off so the dams are almost empty.

    There’s a bit of a downpour now and if it’s particularly long and intense there may be a small flood round there, but nothing like the conditions surrounding those devastating floods last year.

    Also for a lot of those rivers an occasional small flood is healthy because it helps to clear out the excess water weed that may be building up etc.