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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2020


  • i agree with everything you’ve said including your links between causation etc

    except the final link you make that its the consumer, i note you said ‘partly’ a consumer issue, so its not a full attribution - perhaps i’m misinterpreting what % you’re attributing.

    tbh my take is alot of people would like an option between paying $2 for a garment they know involved exploitation/slavery vs an accessible1 independent option that doesn’t cost $500/garment.

    i don’t think people are still choosing the $2 option because they’re ok with slavery. but (tragically?) they’re more ok with someone else being the slave vs them being the slave - which is what they’d basically be if every piece of clothing cost them $500.

    and i think we know the reason there’s very little accessible options in between is because the game is rigged, you (HelixDab2) can’t realistically enter the game without serious capital behind you (ie. wealth/connections) to reach the volume prices which might give us an option in between - the market isn’t fair, its been stitched up long ago, by the same people who don’t produce anything and greedily skim off the top.

    the venn diagram of independent designers fairly charging $500 for their labor and the greedy skimmers getting fat without producing anything themselves is two separate circles - they’re worlds apart

    1 Quick note on accessibility, there are ofc some scant options between $2-500, but what isn’t clear (ie. readily accessible) to the consumer is which of those options isn’t just some greedy bastard buying a $2 option and selling it on for $15.

  • this is the (un)fortunate reality.

    unfortunate in that keeping a modern browser up to date is a serious task when you need to compete with the agenda and scale of google etc

    fortunate in that its a relatively simple solution, the community needs to fund the software.

    its tough though as i can imagine if they pulled the kind of popup shit wikipedia does, it will just drive people away. what people don’t realise ofc is that with chrome you are paying for it (with your data), but for some reason they’re not viewed in the equivalent light.

  • ganymede@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlWho's winning here, exactly?
    8 months ago

    Thanks, do you know if/where we can download the full phind source including the full models, training data etc? To run 100% offline?

    edit: for anyone reading this thread, YOU CAN’T. it’s not currently opensource. and afaik there is no concrete timeline for it to be opened, other than sometime “down the road”.

    to be clear, i definitely agree we have the creative nerd factor the corporations lack, but unfortunately there’s been a bit of trading on ‘open’ while still being very closed in the “AI” world, really hope this doesn’t turn out to be another example of that.

  • ganymede@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlGeany 2.0 is out! | Geany
    8 months ago

    not customizable

    themes, plugins, ridiculously easy custom configurations/build commands etc you can even control the window manager from config files if you want to, its insanely customisable

    lacks support for a lot of things

    edit: trying to sound less snarky, but do you have a lot of examples?

    i could see these criticisms arising from a quick glance. or we may have slightly different definitions of these terms. which is fair enough.

    imo geany’s ratio of features to weight is remarkable, perhaps singularly so?

  • ganymede@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlandroid companies vs apple
    2 months ago

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sapien nibh, tincidunt vel felis sed, sodales eleifend eros. Nunc commodo laoreet erat sed imperdiet. Fusce elit lectus, sagittis quis volutpat sit amet, eleifend id magna. Vivamus sed tellus sit amet nibh interdum sagittis. Sed condimentum fringilla purus, at elementum metus accumsan non. Suspendisse et libero commodo, efficitur mauris pharetra, congue felis. Sed dictum rutrum laoreet. Vestibulum ultrices vehicula pellentesque.

    Integer hendrerit risus ante, eget accumsan enim tristique ac. Curabitur nulla erat, accumsan in sem ac, cursus pulvinar nisi. Nunc auctor condimentum est, non sollicitudin risus mattis a. Proin pretium enim et suscipit condimentum. In id egestas felis. Cras porttitor sit amet ligula quis accumsan. Donec vestibulum in dolor non venenatis. Nam at commodo sem. Nunc volutpat in ipsum facilisis pulvinar. Integer leo quam, varius vel aliquam vitae, lobortis at justo. Cras quis odio enim. Curabitur felis augue, placerat non tellus non, malesuada fermentum lectus. Proin non magna purus.

    Quisque laoreet malesuada congue. Nulla sit amet facilisis ligula. Sed sed enim et nunc placerat porta. Cras hendrerit hendrerit quam quis luctus. Cras id feugiat quam, a semper enim. Praesent vitae nibh luctus, feugiat ante accumsan, varius libero. Aliquam sed laoreet sem. Mauris vitae sem pretium ex vulputate ultrices sed ac turpis. Pellentesque congue mi sit amet massa consectetur, ut ultrices quam varius. Donec ut dui et neque sagittis vehicula. Maecenas maximus tincidunt fermentum. Proin posuere dapibus dui quis convallis. Nulla quam mauris, posuere sed volutpat a, consectetur in ex. Morbi tortor dui, placerat bibendum nulla nec, aliquam venenatis lorem. Integer vel dignissim risus, in gravida metus.

    Praesent vulputate metus eu ipsum sagittis fermentum. Fusce scelerisque metus vel dolor iaculis auctor. Mauris viverra suscipit sapien, quis consectetur dolor hendrerit pulvinar. Nulla dui justo, consequat nec erat quis, blandit malesuada elit. Aliquam euismod velit quam, et convallis enim tincidunt nec. Vestibulum lacinia dolor volutpat enim pulvinar pretium scelerisque eget lacus. Mauris ultrices sit amet libero ut ornare. Pellentesque eget pellentesque neque. Aenean condimentum placerat nunc sed tristique.

    Suspendisse ultrices imperdiet nibh non venenatis. Vivamus hendrerit sem at nibh semper imperdiet. Vivamus fermentum vulputate rutrum. Aenean vitae venenatis dolor. Nulla hendrerit sapien et fermentum placerat. Fusce massa ante, dapibus et turpis eu, tempor scelerisque enim. Sed feugiat tincidunt eros, sit amet molestie tellus interdum sed. Donec condimentum a dui eu dictum. Donec pretium orci dolor, eu ornare ligula facilisis id. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas ac nibh elit. In condimentum, felis at dignissim interdum, metus massa iaculis lorem, sit amet tincidunt dolor ipsum eget justo. In cursus magna elit, et mollis justo egestas eu. Mauris tristique id nunc sit amet rutrum. Donec eu lorem et lectus imperdiet pharetra at eu diam.