• 19 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023


  • Didn’t know about the MS/Apple thing, thanks.

    When it was time to sell, Microsoft pocketed a sweet $550 million, making it more than a three-times multiple.

    I hardly think this could be considered “helping” Apple.

    I’m saying that one of the reasons Google shovels money in their direction is to stop regulators from having a reason to take a closer look at Chrome’s dominance.

    I really don’t think they do. And the contracts reflect as much.

    Regardless, none of this has anything to do with my point that no companies have an obligation to help their competition, which you’ve already agreed with, so maybe I’m missing your point.

  • If they’ve already been deemed a monopoly? Sure. That’s a response to anticompetitive behavior.

    like Microsoft with Apple in 1997

    Don’t know anything about that.

    Google with Mozilla today

    That’s funny because this is the opposite of what you seem to be suggesting. This is not helping their competition, this is paying another company hundreds of million dollars to be anticompetitive against their competition. They paid Mozilla (and dozens of others) to be the default search engine. Its the exact anticompetitive behavior that caused them to be legally classified as a monopoly.

  • I’d like to see a Sankey graph of where Valve’s money goes before I praise them that much for helping out a Linux distribution a bit.

    I’d say it’s a lot more than “a bit”. It’s an enormous amount of help that pretty much everyone in the Linux (professional) community can, has, and will attest to.

    I don’t agree that they’re a monopoly, because they’ve done absolutely nothing to prevent competition. Other stores do it to themselves.

    I do agree though that their fees are exorbitant and their contributions to Linux are a teeny tiny fraction of their wealth, but I appreciate it regardless.