Listen, I live in a state where anyone who commits a violent crime, before they catch the person the police say, “he was hallucinating, they were hearing voices” aka mental illness is why they are doing this as a way to take away more rights. Also in this state if you are in a conservatorship for mental illness you legally are barred from voting. How can you say hallucination is not a loaded term? It is different from headache because people are not stigmatized for migraines. No one is taking away your voting rights for migraines. No one is saying you are a murderer for migraines.
Maine police has done what they always do. He has been hearing voices, he is mentally ill so it’s obviously that and nothing else! but his family and colleagues say his mental health only started to decline this summer, he even had an inpatient stay, and they didn’t take his guns. Let’s ignore the mass exodus of mental health professionals in this state, how Maine police won’t take guns away from clearly unstable people, or how they bully people with known diagnosed mental illness.
Our state has a lot of holes in the system. It feels like it’s on purpose at this point. It’s really hard to have a mental illness here and not be afraid for your safety.